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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Stony Brook University Bio Major - Opinions?

I'm considering Stony Brook University for their biology program, but I'd love to hear from current or former students. How have your experiences been with the program? Are there research or internship opportunities available?

18 days ago

I'm not a student at Stony Brook, but I've heard positive things about their biology program from others who have attended. From what I understand, the faculty members are knowledgeable and, in general, quite supportive of their students. The program offers a diverse range of subjects within biology, allowing you to explore various subfields and specialize in the area that interests you the most.

Regarding research and internship opportunities, Stony Brook is known for providing numerous options for students. The university collaborates with nearby research institutions, such as Brookhaven National Laboratory and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which can lead to many research opportunities for undergraduates. They also host research fairs where you can learn about potential internships and job opportunities in the field of biology.

In addition, Stony Brook's location in Long Island offers a wealth of connections to other research institutions, hospitals, and biotech companies in the greater New York area, which can be valuable when looking for internships or other practical experiences.

To make the most of your time there, it's important to be proactive in seeking out these opportunities. Reach out to professors whose research interests align with yours and network with other students in your program. Opportunities are abundant, but you need to take the initiative to pursue them. Good luck!

18 days ago

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