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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a CEEB?

I've seen people mentioning CEEB codes while discussing college applications, but I have no idea what that is. Can somebody please help me understand what a CEEB is, and how it relates to college applications? Much appreciated!

21 days ago

A CEEB code, which stands for College Entrance Examination Board, is a unique identification number assigned to each high school, college, and university in the United States and abroad. The purpose of these codes is to help the College Board and other organizations efficiently manage and process information related to standardized tests, college applications, and financial aid.

During the college application process, you might need to provide your high school's CEEB code on various forms or online portals. This code helps schools and testing organizations (like the College Board, which administers the SAT) to identify your high school and ensure that transcripts, test scores, and other critical information are accurately matched with your application.

Your high school's CEEB code can typically be found through the guidance or college counseling office, on your school's official transcripts, or by searching online via the College Board's high school code search tool. Keep this code handy when filling out college applications and registering for standardized tests, as it's likely you'll need to enter it more than once.

In summary, a CEEB code is a unique identifier assigned to high schools and colleges to help streamline the college application and standardized testing process. You'll need to provide your high school's CEEB code when applying to colleges or registering for tests like the SAT or ACT.

21 days ago

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