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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UCLA location: Is it in a nice area?

Hi everyone! I'm thinking about applying to UCLA, but I have no idea what the area around the campus is like. Can anyone tell me more about the location and whether it's a good place to live, study, and enjoy my college years? Thanks!

a month ago

Hi there! UCLA is located in Westwood, which is a beautiful area of Los Angeles. The campus itself is surrounded by lush greenery, stunning architecture, and safe, well-maintained spaces for students to gather and study. The neighborhood surrounding UCLA, known as Westwood Village, has plenty of options for shopping, eating, and entertainment. It's a vibrant, bustling area with lots to explore while you take breaks from your studies.

In addition to the campus and Westwood Village, you'll be close to other popular L.A. spots like Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Venice Beach, giving you plenty of opportunities to enjoy the beautiful Southern California weather and lifestyle. Public transportation in the area can help you get around, but having your own car or using rideshare apps will make getting to these destinations more convenient.

While Westwood is generally considered a safe neighborhood, like any urban area, it's always wise to be conscious of your surroundings and take precautions, especially at night. In summary, UCLA's location in Westwood offers students a great blend of academic and social opportunities, making it an attractive place to spend your college years. Best of luck with your applications!

a month ago

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