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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where exactly is Kennesaw State University located?

I've heard a lot about Kennesaw State University, but I'm not exactly sure where it's located. Can someone please clarify its location, and if possible, share a map link? Also, I'd appreciate any insights on campus life and the surrounding area. Thanks!

21 days ago

Kennesaw State University is located in Kennesaw, Georgia, which is approximately 25 miles northwest of Atlanta. The school has two main campuses: the Kennesaw campus and the Marietta campus. The Kennesaw campus is the primary campus, while the Marietta campus is about 10 miles southeast of the main campus.

As for campus life, Kennesaw State University offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations that cater to various interests. The campus is known for its strong sense of community and energetic student population. In terms of academics, KSU offers over 150 undergraduate and graduate programs.

The surrounding area is suburban, with plenty of shopping centers, restaurants, and recreational opportunities nearby. A short drive to Atlanta provides access to a large and vibrant city, with cultural attractions, professional sports teams, and various forms of entertainment.

Some popular spots in the Kennesaw area include Town Center Mall, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, and historic downtown Kennesaw. Overall, the area surrounding KSU offers a balanced mix of nature, shopping, and entertainment within a welcoming suburban community.

21 days ago

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