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What colleges have great art programs?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior super passionate about art, and I'm wondering which colleges have great art programs? Any suggestions about where I should apply next year? Thanks!

18 days ago

Hey there! It's fantastic to see that you're passionate about art and looking for colleges with strong art programs. Here are some colleges and universities known for their exceptional art programs, covering a mix of institutions to give you a well-rounded selection:

1. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) - Considered one of the top art schools in the US, RISD offers a range of undergraduate programs in various art disciplines.

2. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) - CalArts is renowned for its programs in visual arts, animation, and design.

3. School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) - SAIC is known for its interdisciplinary and contemporary approach to art education.

4. Pratt Institute - Located in Brooklyn, Pratt offers a variety of art programs including graphic design, illustration, and photography.

5. Parsons School of Design - Part of The New School in New York City, Parsons has a cutting-edge curriculum for various art and design programs.

6. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - UCLA's School of the Arts and Architecture offers programs in various fields, such as painting, sculpture, and photography.

7. Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) - Focused on pre-professional development, MICA is a top choice for those looking to hone their artistic skills.

8. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) - CMU's College of Fine Arts has a strong reputation for its art and design programs, as well as excellent computer science integration.

9. Yale University - Yale offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in Art, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary work and access to the top-notch Yale University Art Gallery.

10. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) - SCAD is a great choice for students seeking a broad range of art and design programs, and also has campuses in different locations, including Atlanta and Hong Kong.

Keep in mind that finding the right college for you goes beyond just the strength of an art program; you'll want to consider factors such as campus culture, location, size, and financial aid opportunities as well. Do some research on these colleges and create a list of factors that matter to you. Once you have a preliminary list, try to visit a few of the colleges or attend virtual tours/events to get a feel for each campus's environment.

Good luck with your college search!

18 days ago

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