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SAT: 720 math
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Franciscan University Acceptance Rate

I'm really interested in applying to Franciscan University, but I'm not exactly confident in my chances. Does anyone know the acceptance rate there, and what they look for in applicants?

a month ago

Franciscan University of Steubenville has an acceptance rate of approximately 67-70%, which should bring you some relief, as it's fairly accessible to most students. However, it's still important to ensure that your application stands out and showcases your achievements and fit for the University.

In terms of what Franciscan University looks for in applicants, they assess a combination of factors that include your GPA, high school curriculum, standardized test scores (although test-optional currently, allowing students to write an essay instead), extracurricular activities, personal statement, and letters of recommendation. Aim to compile a strong application that highlights your academic strengths, unique talents or skills, and meaningful involvement in activities that align with the university's mission and values.

Franciscan University, as a Catholic institution, places emphasis on faith, so if you have any activities or experiences related to your religious beliefs or community service, it might be beneficial to include these in your application. This can help demonstrate your alignment with the University's mission and show that you would be a good fit for their community.

Whether or not you're involved in religious or faith-based activities, focus on showcasing your passion, dedication, and growth in your personal statement. Highlight how you've demonstrated leadership, pursued your interests, or made an impact in your community.

In summary, while the acceptance rate is relatively high, a well-rounded application that highlights your achievements, character, and fit with the university will increase your chances of being accepted. Good luck with your application!

a month ago

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