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Duke University
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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colorado Tech Football?

I was just curious if anyone knows anything about the football program at Colorado Technical University? I'm interested in playing football in college and wanted to find out more about the team and their competitiveness. Thanks!

a month ago

Colorado Technical University (CTU) does not have a football program or any NCAA sports teams. CTU is an online university focused primarily on programs in various fields such as business, technology, and healthcare. As a result, the university does not offer traditional on-campus athletic programs like many other colleges.

If you're interested in playing football at a college in Colorado, you might consider other universities with competitive football programs such as the University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado State University, the United States Air Force Academy, or the University of Northern Colorado. These schools offer athletic programs and are members of the NCAA, so there are definitely other opportunities for Colorado students to participate in college football. Make sure to research each school's athletic program, division level, and competitiveness to find a suitable fit based on your skills and interests.

Good luck in your pursuit of playing college football!

a month ago

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