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Thoughts on UNLV's hospitality program?

Hey everyone! I'm seriously considering pursuing a career in hospitality management and I've heard that UNLV has a really good program. Can anyone share their thoughts about the program and any advantages/disadvantages of attending UNLV for this?

18 days ago

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) is indeed well-regarded for its William F. Harrah College of Hospitality program. They consistently rank among the top hospitality programs in the nation and offer a widely-respected curriculum encompassing various aspects of the industry.

Advantages of studying hospitality at UNLV:

1. Location: UNLV is located in Las Vegas, a major hub of the hospitality and tourism industry. This provides students with ample opportunities for internships, part-time jobs, and networking. The city's diverse array of hotels, casinos, and restaurants allows for a real-world education in the field.

2. Industry connections: The UNLV Harrah College of Hospitality has strong ties with local and international industry professionals. This leads to exclusive internships, mentorship programs, and opportunities for networking and job placement.

3. Faculty: The program boasts a highly-experienced faculty with backgrounds in research and industry. These professors not only provide a thorough education but can also help guide you in networking and career development.

4. Facilities: UNLV offers state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to the hospitality program, such as the cutting-edge Marriott Executive Learning Center.

Disadvantages to consider:

1. Competitive environment: Due to the high reputation of the UNLV hospitality program, it may be a more competitive environment than other universities. This can be motivating for some students, but may cause stress for others.

2. Cost: It's essential to consider the cost of attending UNLV, especially for out-of-state students. Moreover, Las Vegas can be an expensive city to live in, although there are relatively affordable off-campus housing options.

3. Geographic restrictions: While Las Vegas is an excellent location for hospitality students, it may not be the perfect location for everyone. If you're interested in studying abroad or want to work in another region of the United States, UNLV's strong focus on the Las Vegas market may be limiting.

Overall, UNLV's hospitality program is highly regarded and offers a wealth of opportunities for students aiming for a career in hospitality management. However, it's essential to evaluate the cost, competitiveness, and location when deciding if it's the right fit for you.

18 days ago

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