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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a CEEB number?

Hey everyone! I keep hearing about CEEB numbers when it comes to college applications, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. Could someone explain it to me please?

19 days ago

Of course! A CEEB number, also known as a College Entrance Examination Board number, is a unique six-digit identifier assigned to high schools, colleges, and universities. It's used by the College Board, the organization that administers the SAT and AP exams, among other college entrance tests and services.

The purpose of the CEEB number is to help streamline the college application process for both students and institutions. When you fill out applications, take standardized tests, or send your transcripts, your school's CEEB number is included to ensure that your records are accurately associated with your high school. This helps colleges correctly identify your institution, and prevents confusion among schools with similar names or schools located in different areas but with the same name.

You can typically find your high school's CEEB number on your official transcript, or by asking your school counselor. Alternatively, the College Board maintains a CEEB number database that you can search online. To find a specific institution's code, you can enter its information (such as the city, state, or school name) into their search tool. That will provide you with the correct CEEB number to use on your applications and testing forms.

19 days ago

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