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Should I write about my mental health struggles in my college essay?

I've had some mental health challenges throughout high school and I'm considering writing about them in my college essay. However, I'm worried it might be seen as a red flag by admissions officers. Should I choose a different topic or is it okay to write about my mental health journey?

7 months ago

Writing about mental health challenges can be a deeply personal and meaningful topic for your college essay, but you're right to consider the potential implications. If you decide to write about your mental health journey, it's important to focus primarily on the growth and resilience you've demonstrated despite your challenges. Make sure your essay showcases your strengths and your ability to overcome obstacles.

That being said, it's not a topic without risks. Some admissions officers might be concerned about your ability to handle the stress of college life. So, if you have an alternative topic that reflects your personality and experiences just as well, it might be a safer choice.

Ultimately, the decision is yours and should reflect who you are and what has shaped you through your high school experience. CollegeVine has a helpful blog post about writing about mental health in college essays that may provide you with more guidance: https://blog.collegevine.com/mental-health-college-essays/. Good luck with your essay and college applications!

7 months ago

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