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What degrees does Nova Southeastern University offer?

Hello! I've been researching Nova Southeastern University and I'm curious about the different degrees they offer. Are there any specific programs they're known for? I'm still unsure about my major, so I'd like to know what my options are. Thanks!

a month ago

Nova Southeastern University (NSU) offers a wide range of degrees across various fields of study. They have undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs in disciplines like arts and sciences, education, health professions, law, psychology, and more. Some of the degree levels offered include associate, bachelor's, master's, specialist, and doctoral degrees.

NSU is particularly well-known for its programs in the health professions. They have a strong emphasis on optometry, pharmacy, dentistry, medicine, occupational therapy, and physical therapy, many of which are offered as graduate and professional programs. Their Health Professions Division is one of the largest hubs of health care education in the United States.

Apart from health sciences, NSU is also known for its strong programs in marine biology and oceanography due to its proximity to the coastline and the extensive resources available at the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences. Other notable programs include business, psychology, and education.

It's worth exploring the full range of degree programs offered to get an even better understanding of your options and see if any majors align with your interests and career goals. You can find a list of their programs on the university's website under the academics section. Don't hesitate to reach out to the university's admissions office or academic advisors if you have any questions or need further guidance on selecting a major.

a month ago

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