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Baruch College demographics?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in Baruch College and I would like to know more about its student demographics. Can anybody give me a breakdown of the kinds of students I can expect to meet there, in terms of diversity or even personal interests?

28 days ago

Baruch College, which is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, is known for its diverse student population.

In terms of racial and ethnic diversity, the college has a significant number of minority students. According to fall 2021 data, the student population at Baruch breaks down as follows: 39.9% Asian/Pacific Islander, 28.8% White, 19.7% Hispanic/Latino, 11.5% Black or African American, and smaller percentages of students identifying as multiracial or other. With students from over 150 countries, you can expect to meet individuals from varying cultural backgrounds.

Baruch College's diversity also extends to the economic backgrounds of its students. Approximately 56% of the students in fall 2021 received some form of financial aid, demonstrating a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds.

As for personal interests and areas of study, students at Baruch tend to lean towards business, finance, and the liberal arts. The college is well-regarded for its Zicklin School of Business, which offers undergraduate programs in areas such as accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing.

Baruch's Weissman School of Arts and Sciences also offers different majors such as psychology, journalism, mathematics, and many more. The School of Public and International Affairs focuses on public policy, public affairs, and international relations.

Due to its location in the heart of New York City, a city known for its vibrancy and diversity, Baruch students have exposure to a wide variety of personal and professional interests. You can expect to meet students involved in city internships, participating in cultural events and clubs, and exploring entrepreneurship.

In summary, Baruch College offers a diverse and enriching environment where students from various racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds come together to learn and grow. You can expect to find a wide range of personal interests among students, with many majoring in business, liberal arts, or public and international affairs. Meeting students from different cultures and experiences is one of the unique aspects of attending Baruch College.

28 days ago

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