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Help finding NCAA Division III women's basketball rankings

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior who's super passionate about basketball, and I'm starting to think about playing in college. I'm really interested in D3 schools, but I'm struggling to find information on the rankings of women's basketball teams in Division III. Can anyone point me towards a reliable source? Thanks a ton!

15 days ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're passionate about basketball and looking to continue playing in college. For NCAA Division III women's basketball rankings, one of the most reliable sources is D3hoops.com. They publish a weekly "Top 25" poll, which compiles rankings from sports journalists and coaches around the nation. Regularly checking these rankings can help you get a sense of the top D3 women's basketball programs.

Another source you can use is the NCAA's official website. They provide statistics and standings for all divisions, including Division III. During the season, you can find up-to-date win-loss records and other useful information on the teams.

If you're interested in factors beyond just rankings, such as academics, location, or size of the college, you could visit the websites of schools you're considering and research their women's basketball programs. Look for their game schedules, team rosters, and coaches' information to get a more comprehensive idea of the school's basketball program.

I hope this helps guide you in your search for the best fit in a college basketball program. Best of luck in your journey!

15 days ago

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