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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How is SFSU Ranked?

I've been looking at applying to San Francisco State University, but I'm curious about how it's ranked compared to other schools. Can anyone give me some insight into its overall reputation and what kind of experience I can expect there?

16 days ago

San Francisco State University (SFSU) is a public university located in the vibrant city of San Francisco, California. When it comes to rankings, it's essential to remember that they can vary depending on which source or criteria you're looking at. That being said, SFSU often ranks well regionally and is well-regarded for specific programs and fields.

As of 2024, U.S. News & World Report ranks SFSU as #178 in the National Universities category and #96 in Top Public Schools in its region. These rankings are based on factors such as graduation and retention rates, faculty resources, and selectivity.

While overall rankings can give you a general idea of the University's reputation, some programs at SFSU have gained more notable recognition. For example, the university is known for its strong Cinema program and is often ranked among the top cinema programs in the United States. Additionally, SFSU has reputable programs in business, creative writing, and education, among other fields.

In terms of the campus experience, SFSU offers a diverse and inclusive community. The school's location in San Francisco provides unique opportunities for internships, cultural experiences, and access to various industries. San Francisco's vibrant artistic and startup scene may also be appealing to students interested in the arts, entrepreneurship, or technology.

Keep in mind that rankings should not be the sole factor in your decision-making process. Take the time to research the specific programs you're interested in, visit the campus if possible, and talk to current students or alumni to get a better understanding of what SFSU has to offer.

Overall, SFSU has a solid reputation and provides a valuable educational experience, especially given its location and specific strong programs. It is essential to explore the university through different sources to see if it is the best fit for you based on your academic and personal interests.

16 days ago

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