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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When do ACT test dates occur?

Hey everyone, I am interested in taking the ACT soon but I am unsure about when the test dates usually happen. Can someone help me out?

16 days ago

Of course! The ACT is typically offered seven times a year, with test dates spread across the academic year. Here are the general months when the ACT is administered:

1. September

2. October

3. December

4. February

5. April

6. June

7. July

Please note that not all testing locations may offer the ACT on every test date, and the test is not offered on each of these months in every country. To find the specific test dates and registration deadlines, you should visit the official ACT website (act.org) and search for the testing schedule in your region.

It's important to register early to secure your desired test date and location, as testing centers may fill up before the registration deadlines. Additionally, make sure to give yourself ample time for ACT preparation and consider when your college application deadlines are, so you can plan accordingly and have the opportunity to retake the test if needed.

Once you lock in your test date, if you're looking for tips on how to ensure you do as well as possible, consider checking out CollegeVine's series of ACT-prep blog posts. You can find one such post here: https://blog.collegevine.com/top-10-act-tips-for-acing-the-exam

Good luck with your ACT journey!

16 days ago

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