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SAT: 720 math
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Thoughts on Eastern University?

So I stumbled upon Eastern University, and I'm trying to figure out whether it might be a good option for me. Does anyone have any personal experiences or insights they can share about the quality of education, campus life, etc.?

24 days ago

Eastern University is a small, private Christian university located in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. Its academic focus is rooted in its strong liberal arts foundation, integrating faith, reason, and justice throughout its programs.

Quality of Education: Eastern University offers a variety of undergraduate programs across the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Health and Sciences, and College of Business and Leadership. One of the key features that many students appreciate is the smaller class sizes, which allow for personalized attention and close interactions with professors. The university focuses on incorporating hands-on experiences and internships in their programs to ensure students graduate with practical skills.

Campus Life: The campus is located in a suburban setting, offering a serene environment with lots of green spaces. Students describe the community as welcoming, inclusive, and tightly-knit. There are over 50 clubs and organizations to join, catering to diverse interests such as performing arts, service projects, and leadership development. The university also provides ample opportunities for students to grow spiritually through weekly chapel services, prayer groups, and various mission trips.

Athletics: Eastern University offers 18 NCAA Division III varsity sports. If you're an athlete or enjoy watching sports, you can partake in the campus' athletic community.

Study Abroad: The university has a robust study abroad program, allowing students to study in different countries like Costa Rica, England, and South Africa. Many students take advantage of these opportunities to enhance their cultural understanding while earning credits for their degrees.

Financial Aid: Eastern University is committed to helping students afford their education through various scholarships, grants, and work-study programs. You can use their net price calculator to estimate your costs, and do not hesitate to contact their financial aid office for assistance.

Overall, Eastern University could be an excellent choice for students seeking a strong faith-based, liberal arts education in a tight-knit community. However, it's important to visit the campus and research further to see if it aligns with your personal values, career aspirations, and campus life preferences.

24 days ago

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