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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UL Monroe - How to get there?

I'm planning a visit to the University of Louisiana at Monroe, but I'm not too familiar with the area. Could someone tell me the best way to get there? I'll be coming out of state. Thanks in advance!

21 days ago

The University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM) is located in Monroe, Louisiana. Depending on your preferred mode of transportation and where you're coming from, there are a few options to get there:

1. Flying: The closest airport to ULM is the Monroe Regional Airport (MLU), which is about a 10-minute drive from the campus. There are several daily flights connecting Monroe to major hubs like Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW), Houston (IAH), and Atlanta (ATL). Booking a flight to Monroe with a layover in one of these hubs might be your most direct option. Once you land at MLU, you can rent a car or use a ride-sharing service like Uber or Lyft to get to the campus.

2. Driving: If you prefer to drive to Monroe, U.S. Highway 165 and Interstate 20 (I-20) are the main highways serving the area. The campus itself is easily accessible from both of these routes. Consider using a GPS-enabled device or a smartphone with mapping apps like Google Maps or Waze to guide you on your journey.

3. Train/Bus: Amtrak doesn't directly serve Monroe, but if you're interested in taking a train or bus, you could first travel to a nearby city like Shreveport, Louisiana, or Jackson, Mississippi, and then drive or take a bus to Monroe from there. Greyhound offers limited bus service to Monroe. You should check their website for routes and schedules.

Remember to also check the ULM campus visit website for any additional information, such as campus maps or guidelines, to ensure a smooth visit. Safe travels!

21 days ago

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