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Sarah Lawrence College Student Population?

I'm thinking about applying to Sarah Lawrence College, but I'm curious about the student population. What's the campus environment like and how diverse is the community there?

15 days ago

Sarah Lawrence College is known for its intimate campus environment, with a small student population. It has around 1,350 undergraduate students and boasts a low student-to-faculty ratio of 9:1. The college is committed to building a diverse and inclusive community – currently, around 30% of the student body identify as students of color.

Moreover, about 5% of students are international, and they come from over 50 different countries. Many students at Sarah Lawrence are open-minded, creative, and interested in a wide range of academic disciplines, which makes sense given the college's strong emphasis on arts and interdisciplinary studies in its curriculum.

In terms of campus life, students frequently engage in extracurricular activities, including over 100 clubs and organizations that cater to various interests, ranging from arts and culture to community service and social justice. The campus is also known for its politically progressive atmosphere, with many student-run initiatives working towards environmental sustainability, social awareness, and activism.

Beyond the campus itself, Sarah Lawrence College is located in Bronxville, New York, a quaint and lively village. The college is close to downtown Bronxville, where there are shops and restaurants, as well as a short train ride away from New York City, which offers unparalleled cultural and entertainment options.

In summary, the Sarah Lawrence College student population is relatively small and diverse, and the school is known to have a close-knit and inclusive campus environment. The college's emphasis on arts, interdisciplinary studies, and social engagement creates a unique atmosphere that attracts open-minded and creative students.

If you end up applying to Sarah Lawrence and want tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essay prompts: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-sarah-lawrence-college-essays/. The essays are a great opportunity to show what you'd contribute to Sarah Lawrence's already-vibrant campus community!

15 days ago

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