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Allied Health Programs in New Hampshire?

Hi there! I'm a high school junior in NH, looking into allied health programs in the area. Does anyone know of any good programs, colleges, or schools that offer strong allied health curriculums? Any advice would be super appreciated!

26 days ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering allied health programs. New Hampshire has several higher education institutions offering strong allied health curriculums. I'll highlight some of the well-known programs in the area:

1. University of New Hampshire (UNH): UNH offers undergraduate programs in fields like Health Management and Policy, Occupational Therapy, and Medical Laboratory Science. It also has a College of Health and Human Services with several other healthcare-related programs to consider.

2. Plymouth State University: Plymouth State programs in Exercise & Sport Physiology and Public Health, and also has a range of courses in more specialized areas like disability studies.

3. Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU): SNHU offers several healthcare-related degrees at the undergraduate level, including in Health Sciences, Healthcare Administration, and Public Health. These offerings are all online, so SNHU could be a great option for you if you're looking for flexibility in your schedule.

4. Keene State College: Keene State offers a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, which focuses on areas such as Health Promotion, Nutrition, Addictions, Physical Activity, Biology, Chemistry and Psychology.

5. Colby-Sawyer College: Colby-Sawyer offers a Nursing program for students interested in pursuing nursing careers in various healthcare settings. The college also offers a Bachelor of Science in Health Science program which includes courses in areas like healthcare management and pre-professional health studies.

When researching allied health programs, consider visiting the individual school websites to explore curriculum details, degree options, and unique features of each program. Attend college fairs, open houses, or reach out to admissions representatives if you have any specific questions.

It's also important to think about your career goals and long-term aspirations within the allied health field. Some of these college programs may be more suitable for specific career paths, and the overall program structure will likely differ based on the individual institutions. Best of luck in your search for the perfect allied health program in New Hampshire!

26 days ago

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