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What are the typical SAT scores for Princeton University?

Hey, I'm starting to prepare for the SAT, and I'm aiming for Princeton. Does anyone know what SAT score range I should be aiming for to have a good chance at admission? I'd appreciate any help! Thanks!

10 months ago

Hi there! Aiming for a top-tier school like Princeton is ambitious, and it's great that you're getting ready for the SAT. To give you an idea of the SAT score range commonly seen among accepted applicants at Princeton, most successful candidates tend to score in the 1450-1570 range, with the middle 50% scoring between 1480 and 1570. However, it's essential to keep in mind that SAT scores are only one part of a holistic admissions process, and there are no definitive cutoffs.

While a strong SAT score will definitely be advantageous, it's also important to focus on other aspects of your application, like maintaining a high GPA, demonstrating course rigor, showcasing strong extracurriculars, and writing compelling essays. As a highly selective school, Princeton will consider all these factors when reviewing applications. So, aim for a high SAT score but make sure to balance it out with a well-rounded application. Good luck with your preparations!

10 months ago

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