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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When to submit ACT scores to colleges?

Hey there, I'm currently a junior and I just took the ACT. I'm not sure if I should submit my scores now even if I plan on retaking the test later, or wait until I have my final scores. What's the general advice on this? Thanks in advance!

13 days ago

Hello! It's generally recommended to wait until you have your final ACT scores before sending them to colleges, especially if you plan to retake the test. By waiting, you can make sure that you're sending your best possible scores to the colleges you're interested in.

Most colleges do not have a specific deadline for when you should submit ACT scores, so you typically have until their application deadline to send them in. Deadlines differ depending on the school, so it's crucial to check the admissions websites of the colleges you're interested in so you don't miss any important dates. Keep in mind that it may take a few weeks for the official score report to be sent and processed by the college, so plan accordingly.

Additionally, some schools accept "superscores." Superscoring means they will take the highest section scores from multiple test attempts and combine them into a new composite score. If the colleges you're applying to practice superscoring, waiting to submit your tests until after your retake can be very beneficial, as you might end up with an even higher composite score.

Take some time to research the policies of the colleges on your list and make a plan for when to submit your ACT scores. Good luck with your retake and the college application process!

13 days ago

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