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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Part-time Student Experience at Rutgers?

I'm thinking about being a part-time student at Rutgers, and I was wondering if anyone has experience with this? How flexible is the school with scheduling, and is it easy to balance work and classes as a part-time student? Thanks for any insight!

12 days ago

In general, Rutgers University is relatively flexible when it comes to accommodating part-time students. The school offers a variety of classes at different times of the day, including evening courses and sometimes even weekend courses, which can make it easier for you to work around your job schedule. Additionally, many courses are available online or in a hybrid format, providing you with even more flexibility.

Part-time students have access to the same resources as full-time students, including academic advising, tutoring services, and extracurricular opportunities, which can help you get the most out of your time at Rutgers.

Balancing work and classes as a part-time student will depend on your personal circumstances, such as the demands of your job and the number of credits you choose to take each semester. Some part-time students find it helpful to pace themselves by taking fewer classes at once, especially if they're working full-time. Also, consider the level of difficulty of the courses you're choosing, as some may require more time and effort outside of the classroom. Make sure you communicate with your academic advisor to devise a plan that's right for you.

Overall, while juggling work and classes as a part-time student can be challenging, many students have successfully managed this balance at Rutgers. It's essential to have a solid plan, maintain good time management skills, and be prepared to adjust as needed to stay on top of your coursework and other responsibilities.

12 days ago

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