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Ecology at UC Davis?

Hi guys, I'm interested in pursuing an ecology major and I've heard UC Davis has a strong program. Can anyone share any feedback about their ecology department? How are the classes, research opportunities, and internship prospects? Thanks!

13 days ago

Hi there! UC Davis is indeed known for its strong ecology program, and as a top public research university, it offers a wide array of opportunities in this field.

Classes: The ecology program at UC Davis has a diverse range of courses that cover various sub-disciplines within ecology, such as conservation, restoration, and eco-informatics. Some students have found the classes to be informative and engaging, often taught by knowledgeable and well-respected professors in their fields. Additionally, UC Davis' proximity to various natural ecosystems (mountains, coast, and forests) gives students unique opportunities for field study experiences.

Research opportunities: UC Davis has a robust research community, especially in the area of ecology. The campus hosts several research centers—like the John Muir Institute of the Environment, Center for Population Biology, and the Center for Watershed Sciences—that may provide research opportunities for undergraduates. Additionally, faculty members in the ecology department are often involved in innovative research projects, and many students find positions as research assistants. This can lead to valuable connections, research experience for graduate school, and even the potential for co-authorship on published papers.

Internship Prospects: UC Davis does a great job of connecting students to internship opportunities in ecology. Through the university's Internship and Career Center (ICC), you can find various ecology-related internships, many of which are in the region. California has numerous state and national parks, non-profit environmental organizations, and government agencies that often offer internships in the field. Moreover, UC Davis has strong connections in the environmental sector, which can really benefit your internship search and future job prospects.

Overall, the ecology program at UC Davis is well-regarded and offers substantial opportunities for hands-on experience, research, and internships. It can provide a solid foundation for those interested in pursuing a career or further education in ecology or a related field. Good luck!

13 days ago

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