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Recommended high school math courses?

Hey everyone, I'm a sophomore and I'm planning out my remaining years in high school. What math courses would you recommend taking to prepare for college and have a strong application? I'm not sure what I want to major in yet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

12 days ago

It's great that you're being proactive in planning your high school math courses! Generally, it's important to demonstrate a strong foundation in math while also challenging yourself. Here's a suggested sequence of math courses to consider:

1. Algebra 1 (usually taken in freshman year)

2. Geometry (usually taken in sophomore year)

3. Algebra 2 (usually taken in junior year)

4. Pre-Calculus (usually taken in senior year)

If you find that you excel in math or want to push yourself further, you can consider more advanced options such as:

- AP Calculus AB or BC (Advanced Placement Calculus)

- AP Statistics

- Dual-enrollment or college-level math courses (if your high school offers these or if you can take them at a local college)

Since you are still unsure about your major, it's a good idea to build a strong foundation in math, especially when we consider that the above courses are widely recommended regardless of your future major. If you eventually choose a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) major, having a solid background in math will undoubtedly be beneficial.

As you move through your high school math courses, pay attention to your strengths and interests. If you find yourself gravitating towards a certain area of math or enjoy solving particular types of problems, you may want to consider pursuing more math-related coursework or extracurricular activities to further develop those skills.

Remember, it's crucial to balance course rigor with your ability to succeed. While taking advanced courses can show your dedication and challenge yourself, it's also important to keep your grades up and not become overwhelmed by your course load. Good luck!

12 days ago

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