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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice for improving after getting an 18 on the ACT?

So, I recently got an 18 on my ACT, and I feel pretty stressed about it. What kind of advice do you guys have for me to improve my score before senior year? Is it possible to see significant improvement in a short amount of time?

12 days ago

First of all, don't worry! It's absolutely possible to see significant improvement on your ACT score with careful planning and dedication.

Here's a step-by-step plan to help you improve:

1. Understand your weaknesses: Review your ACT score report, identify the sections where you scored the lowest, and focus on improving those areas. Use the detailed breakdown to determine the specific question types or content areas you struggled with.

2. Set a goal: Set a realistic target score that you'd like to achieve. This will help you stay motivated and allow you to measure your progress throughout the process.

3. Create a study schedule: Dedicate a consistent amount of time each week to studying and preparing for the ACT. Ensure you're balancing your time between reviewing concepts and materials, practicing questions, and taking full-length practice tests.

4. Review and learn the material: Use a study guide or an online platform like ACT's official resources or CollegeVine's free prep courses to review the content covered in each section. This will also give you an opportunity to learn any new concepts and reinforce your existing knowledge.

5. Practice, practice, practice: Regularly work through practice questions and constantly review the concepts behind them. Use official ACT practice questions or materials from reputable sources to ensure you're getting accurate practice material.

6. Take full-length practice tests: Taking timed, full-length practice tests will help you build the stamina and familiarity needed for the actual exam. After each test, review your mistakes and the explanations to understand where you went wrong. Make sure to track your progress.

7. Learn test-taking strategies: Familiarize yourself with the test's format, question types, and time constraints. Develop strategies like process of elimination, plugging in numbers, and time management to help you tackle the test more efficiently.

8. Stay motivated: Understanding that improvement takes time and maintaining a positive mindset is crucial. Regularly assess your progress and consider adjusting your study plan as needed.

9. Consider additional resources: If you're struggling to improve on your own, consider asking your school counselor for guidance, enrolling in a prep class, or working with a tutor.

Remember, motivation and persistence are key. Improving your ACT score is possible, even in a short amount of time, as long as you're committed to working hard and smart. Good luck!

12 days ago

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