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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How safe is the University of Pennsylvania?

Hi guys! I'm seriously considering applying to UPenn, but I'm a little bit concerned about safety. Can any current students or alumni provide some insight into how safe the campus and its surrounding areas are? Are there any safety measures in place that help students feel more secure?

12 days ago

Hi there! It's understandable to be concerned about safety when considering where to attend college. UPenn is located in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia, which is generally considered safe, but being in an urban environment means you should still be cautious and aware of your surroundings.

The university is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its students. UPenn has a strong relationship with the Philadelphia Police Department, and the University's Division of Public Safety (DPS) operates 24/7 to ensure the campus stays safe. They utilize Penn Police, security officers, CCTV cameras, and emergency phones throughout the campus. The blue light phones are scattered across campus and can be used in emergencies to connect directly with DPS.

To further enhance safety, UPenn offers multiple services and resources to help students navigate campus securely. The Penn Guardian app, for example, allows students to share their location with public safety or friends during their journey and set a safety timer.

UPenn also offers the Penn Transit system, which provides free, accessible transportation for students on and around campus. The service operates shuttle buses, Penn Accessible Transit (PAT), and on-demand evening shuttle service (PennBus East and West). Additionally, the Walking Escort program provides walking companions for students who require assistance between campus buildings, residences, and nearby transit stops.

While no university is completely immune to crime, you'll find that UPenn is serious about maintaining the safety of its students. It's crucial that you exercise personal responsibility, such as traveling in groups at night, using university transportation services, and keeping your valuable belongings secure. As long as you follow best practices and utilize the resources available, you should feel secure while attending UPenn.

12 days ago

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