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Best colleges for journalism?

Hey guys! I'm really passionate about journalism and I plan on majoring in it. What colleges are known for having really strong journalism programs? Any input would be awesome, thanks!

20 days ago

There are many excellent colleges with strong journalism programs, but some of the top ones include:

1. Northwestern University: Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications is highly respected and consistently ranks among the best journalism programs.

2. University of Missouri: Also known as Mizzou, its School of Journalism was the first in the world and boasts a solid reputation. The school offers a hands-on program that allows students to work with professional media organizations as they learn.

3. Syracuse University: Syracuse's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications is another top journalism program that offers a variety of specializations, such as broadcast, newspaper, and magazine journalism.

4. Columbia University: Although Columbia doesn't offer an undergraduate journalism degree, they do have a renowned graduate program at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Students can pursue an undergraduate degree related to journalism (e.g., political science, English, history) and aim for the graduate program afterward.

5. University of Southern California: USC's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism is well-regarded and offers a diverse set of journalism tracks, including digital media, public relations, and international journalism.

6. University of Maryland: The Philip Merrill College of Journalism at UMD consistently ranks highly among journalism programs and provides a variety of experiential learning opportunities, such as internships at leading news organizations.

7. Indiana University: IU's Media School offers a Journalism program that emphasizes practical hands-on experience, including opportunities for involvement with the Indiana Daily Student newspaper or the school's award-winning student-run broadcast stations.

8. New York University: NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute provides students with a strong foundation in journalism and the opportunity to specialize in specific fields, such as cultural and business reporting.

These are just a few examples of the top journalism schools in the U.S., and there are many other great options depending on your interests and location preferences. Keep in mind that it's essential to research admission requirements, campus culture, and other factors to find a journalism program that is the best fit for you.

20 days ago

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