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Exploring pre-med and becoming a doctor

Hi there, so I know I want to pursue a career as a doctor, but I'm unsure about the best path to take in college. What are the key factors I should consider when choosing a major and a college with a strong pre-med program? Additionally, are there any extracurriculars I should be focusing on in high school to help me achieve my goals?

17 days ago

When considering a major and college for your pre-med journey, there are a few key factors to take into account.

1. Major: Although many pre-med students choose to major in the sciences, like biology or chemistry, it's not a requirement. Medical schools accept students from a variety of majors, as long as they complete the necessary prerequisite courses, which are usually in biology, chemistry, physics, and math. If you have other interests, consider a major that aligns with them, as long as you can manage the pre-med coursework.

2. College: Look for colleges with strong science departments and resources for pre-med students, including research opportunities, advising, and medical school placement services. Also, consider colleges with strong relationships with nearby hospitals or medical centers for volunteering and shadowing opportunities.

3. Pre-Med Support: Strong pre-med advising is essential for charting your path in undergrad, preparing for the MCAT, and navigating the medical school application process. Research colleges that have dedicated pre-health advising offices, as these often provide personalized guidance and resources.

4. Medical School Acceptance Rate: Although it may not be the most critical factor, research the medical school acceptance rate for graduates of the colleges you're considering. Remember that this statistic may not fully reflect the success of the school's pre-med program or the support they provide, so weigh it in conjunction with other factors.

In terms of extracurriculars in high school, focus on activities that allow you to showcase your leadership, commitment, and passion for the healthcare field. Some examples include:

1. HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America): Participate and take on leadership roles in this organization to gain exposure to healthcare professions and competitions.

2. Hospital Volunteering: Volunteer at a local hospital or clinic to gain experience working with patients and understanding the healthcare environment.

3. Research: Participate in research projects, either in school or through summer research programs, to demonstrate your scientific curiosity and critical thinking abilities.

4. Shadowing: Shadow doctors in various specialties to learn more about their day-to-day experience, which will deepen your understanding and help inform your decisions in college.

5. Community Service: Participate in community service projects that have a health-related focus, such as organizing blood drives, working with disability support organizations, or teaching health and hygiene classes to underserved populations.

By considering these factors when choosing a major and college as well as getting involved in healthcare-related extracurriculars, you'll be on the right path to a strong pre-med foundation and a successful journey towards becoming a doctor.

17 days ago

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