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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for Medical Programs for High School Students Near Me

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and really interested in pursuing a career in medicine. Are there any reputable medical programs or internships for high school students in my area that I can apply for? I'm currently living in [Your City/State]. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

18 days ago

Hey there! It's great to see your passion for medicine at such an early stage. While I can't provide specific information about programs in your area, I can suggest some general programs and resources that you can look into. You might want to consider volunteering at a local hospital, shadowing a doctor, or even getting involved in research at a nearby university.

1. Hospital volunteering: Many hospitals have volunteer programs for high school students; you can gain hands-on experience and observe healthcare professionals in action. Reach out to your local hospitals and inquire about their volunteering opportunities.

2. Physician shadowing: Look for opportunities to shadow doctors in various specialties. Reach out to family doctors or physicians in your community, or ask your school's guidance counselor if they can connect you with any medical professionals.

3. University research: If there's a university or medical research center nearby, consider contacting the professors or researchers in their biology, chemistry, or medical-related departments to inquire about potential research opportunities for high school students.

4. Summer medical programs: Keep an eye out for summer medical programs specifically designed for high school students; they can be offered by universities or other organizations. These programs typically focus on various aspects of medicine such as clinical skills, research, ethics, and more.

5. Explore clubs and organizations: Check if your school or community offers clubs or organizations related to healthcare, such as HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) or Red Cross clubs. These clubs typically provide opportunities for community outreach, volunteering, and learning about healthcare professions.

Remember to also discuss your interests with your school's guidance counselor, as they may have additional resources and recommendations specific to your area. Good luck in your pursuit of a career in medicine!

18 days ago

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