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Catholic University of America location: pros and cons?

Hey, guys! I've been looking into the Catholic University of America but I don't know much about the location. Can anyone give me some insights into the surrounding area, especially in terms of safety, transportation and things to do off-campus? Thanks!

15 days ago

Sure, I'd be happy to provide some insights about the Catholic University of America's location.


1. Proximity to downtown Washington, D.C.: The campus is located in northeast Washington, D.C., just three miles from the Capitol. You'll have easy access to all the sights and attractions of downtown D.C.

2. Transportation: The university is near the Brookland-CUA Metro Station, which is on the Red Line and provides easy access to downtown D.C. and other areas throughout the city. In addition, there are numerous bus lines available in the area for your transportation needs.

3. Cultural attractions: Being in Washington, D.C., you have access to a wide variety of museums, galleries, and performing arts venues, many of which are free to visit, such as the Smithsonian museums or the National Gallery of Art.

4. Internship opportunities: Since the university is located in the nation's capital, there are numerous internship and networking opportunities available for students in various fields such as politics, international affairs, and non-profit organizations.


1. Safety concerns: While the campus itself is generally considered to be safe, some surrounding neighborhoods might have higher crime rates. It's essential to be cautious and aware of your surroundings, especially when venturing off-campus during late hours.

2. Cost of living: Washington, D.C. is known for its higher cost of living compared to other cities in the United States. Housing, groceries, and transportation expenses can add up quickly.

3. Traffic: Washington, D.C. is notorious for its traffic congestion during peak hours. Although public transportation is a feasible option, be prepared to face delays and crowded commutes during peak hours.

4. Limited off-campus entertainment: While there are many cultural attractions and national landmarks in D.C., the immediate area surrounding Catholic University is mainly residential, and options for off-campus entertainment like restaurants, bars, or shopping centers are not as plentiful as in other college neighborhoods. You might need to venture further into the city for a more vibrant off-campus scene.

Overall, the Catholic University of America's location offers unique opportunities and experiences you won't find in other schools. However, keep in mind some of the potential drawbacks, especially in terms of safety and cost of living. Good luck with your college search!

15 days ago

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