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What is pre-medicine?

Hi everyone! So I know I want to go into the medical field, but I'm not sure what pre-medicine is. Can someone explain what it entails and if it's a major, a program, or something else?

18 days ago

Pre-medicine, often referred to as "pre-med," is not a specific major, but a term used to describe an educational track or a set of courses taken by students who plan to pursue a career in medicine, ultimately aiming to attend medical school.

It is, in a sense, a preparatory phase with a focus on required and recommended coursework to fulfill the prerequisites for medical school admission. The goal is to ensure that students have a strong foundation in the sciences and other relevant subjects before applying to medical school.

While there is no designated "pre-med" major, most students pursuing this path will choose a major in the sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, or physics) or in related fields (e.g., psychology, public health, or biochemistry) as these majors align well with medical school prerequisites.

However, you don't necessarily have to choose a science major; medical schools accept applicants from various educational backgrounds, as long as they have completed the necessary prerequisites and demonstrate a passion for and understanding of the medical field. Medical schools seem to value well-rounded applicants who showcase a breadth of knowledge across different fields.

Typical prerequisites for medical school include courses in subjects like biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and mathematics, as well as courses in English and the social sciences. These requirements may vary by medical school, so it's important to research specific schools and their prerequisites early on.

Along with your coursework, it's essential to gain valuable experiences through extracurricular activities such as volunteering, shadowing physicians, conducting research, or engaging in healthcare-related work. These experiences demonstrate commitment to the medical field and showcase your ability to apply classroom knowledge in real-world situations.

In summary, pre-medicine is not a major itself, but rather a pre-professional track that students can follow in preparation for medical school. Pre-med students are advised to complete required and recommended courses, engage in relevant extracurricular activities, and build a strong application for medical school admission, regardless of their chosen major.

18 days ago

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