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Top design schools in the US?

I'm super into design and want to go to a college that has a strong design program. Which schools in the US are known for their design departments? Thanks!

16 days ago

It's great that you're passionate about design and seeking schools with strong design programs! Here's a list of some top design schools in the United States:

1. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD): Located in Providence, RI, RISD is famous for its exceptional design programs in various fields such as graphic design, industrial design, and interior architecture.

2. Parsons School of Design: A part of The New School in New York City, Parsons is well-known for its strong programs in fashion, graphic, and interior design, among others.

3. Pratt Institute: Located in Brooklyn, NY, Pratt offers a variety of design disciplines including graphic, industrial, interior, and fashion design.

4. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): Situated in Valencia, CA, CalArts is renowned for its programs in graphic design, animation, and character design, among others.

5. ArtCenter College of Design: Based in Pasadena, CA, ArtCenter is recognized for its strong programs in graphic, industrial, and transportation design, in addition to several other design fields.

6. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD): With campuses in Georgia, SCAD offers numerous design programs including graphic, interior, industrial, and fashion design.

7. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU): Located in Pittsburgh, PA, CMU has a great School of Design with programs in communication design, industrial design, and environments design.

8. University of Cincinnati's College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP): This college is distinguished for its programs in graphic design, fashion, and industrial design.

These are just a few of the top design schools in the US, and there are numerous other strong design programs across the country. When researching schools, make sure to consider factors like location, size, and available resources that align with your personal preferences and career goals. Good luck with your search!

16 days ago

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