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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What types of math are covered on the SAT?

Hey everyone, I'm starting my SAT prep this summer and I want to know what topics of math I should pay special attention to. What types of math should I expect on the SAT?

13 days ago

Hi there! The SAT Math section covers a range of topics across arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and some elements of trigonometry and data analysis. Here's a breakdown of the key thematic areas you'll want to focus on:

1. Algebra: This area focuses on linear equations and systems of linear equations. You'll encounter questions that require you to solve and interpret linear equations and inequalities, as well as systems of linear equations, using various methods like substitution and elimination.

2. Advanced Math: This part of the SAT Math section delves into more advanced algebra topics such as nonlinear equations, quadratic equations, and polynomial expressions. You'll need to solve for roots or factors, simplify complex expressions, and understand the structure of equations.

3. Problem-Solving and Data Analysis: This area emphasizes quantitative reasoning, examining real-world problems using ratio and proportional relationships, descriptive statistics, and probability. You'll work with different types of data representations, such as tables, graphs, and charts, to solve problems.

4. Additional Topics in Math: These questions cover topics in geometry, like lines, angles, triangles, and circles, as well as some aspects of trigonometry and pre-calculus. You'll need to know basic geometric theorems and postulates, work with coordinates, and apply trigonometric principles.

As you prepare, keep in mind that majority of questions are multiple-choice, but there are some "grid-in" questions that require you to input your numerical answer (no choices are provided).

Make sure to practice a variety of problems covering each of these topics, and don't forget to familiarize yourself with the SAT Math test format. Good luck with your prep!

13 days ago

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