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Question about ACT testing scores

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if I'm looking at the right information online. Could someone explain how the ACT is scored, including the individual sections and how they contribute to my overall score? Thanks for the help!

13 days ago

Hi there! I'm happy to help you understand the ACT scoring system. The ACT is made up of four major sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science. Each of these sections is scored on a scale of 1-36, based on the number of questions you've answered correctly. There is no penalty for incorrect answers.

To calculate your overall composite score, your individual section scores are averaged. More specifically, the scores from all four sections are added up and then divided by the number of sections (4), and the result is rounded to the nearest whole number.

For example, let's say you received the following scores on your ACT sections:

- English: 28

- Math: 32

- Reading: 24

- Science: 29

To determine your composite score, you'd add these scores together (28+32+24+29=113) and then divide the total by 4 (113/4=28.25), rounding to the nearest whole number. In this case, your composite score would be 28.

It's important to note that the ACT also has an optional Writing section, which is scored on a scale of 2-12. This score is separate from your composite score and doesn't impact the overall ACT score. If you took the Writing section, your report will include the Writing score in addition to the composite score and individual section scores.

In summary, your ACT score is determined by averaging the scores of the four primary sections, and the optional Writing score is reported separately. Make sure to check the requirements of the colleges you're interested in applying to, as some might require or recommend the Writing section, while others don't. Good luck with your test preparation!

13 days ago

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