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Which colleges don't require SAT or ACT scores for Class of 2024?

Hey everyone! So I've heard that some colleges don't require SAT or ACT scores for admission. Can y'all help me find a good list of these colleges for the Class of 2024? Thanks in advance!

13 days ago

Hello! You're right – many colleges have either temporarily or permanently adopted test-optional policies for their admissions process, meaning submitting SAT or ACT scores is not required. The list of test-optional schools can change each year, as some schools reevaluate their policies. For the Class of 2024, some notable test-optional schools included:

1. Columbia University (Columbia)

2. Princeton University (Princeton)

3. Stanford University (Stanford)

4. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)

5. Johns Hopkins University (Johns Hopkins)

6. University of Chicago (UChicago)

These are just a few examples of highly selective schools that were test-optional for the Class of 2024. However, I advise you to research individual schools' websites to confirm their current test-optional policy, as these policies can change from year to year.

Additionally, you can visit the website fairtest.org for an extensive list of test-optional colleges and universities in the United States. Keep in mind that while some schools may be test-optional, they might still require or recommend test scores for certain programs or scholarships. It is crucial to research the specific requirements for the schools and programs that interest you.

Good luck with your college search!

13 days ago

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