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University of Oregon admission requirements?

Hi all, I'm a high school junior exploring colleges, and the University of Oregon caught my eye. I was just wondering if anyone can fill me in on the admission requirements for UofO: What GPA and test scores are needed for a competitive application? Are there any unique factors the university looks for? Thanks for your help!

13 days ago

The University of Oregon typically has a holistic admissions approach, so they consider various factors in addition to GPA and test scores when evaluating applicants. However, I can provide you with an overview of the general criteria that they consider. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and, as with any college, there may be some degree of flexibility depending on your unique experience.

For GPA, the University of Oregon does not state a minimum requirement, but the average incoming freshman has a cumulative unweighted GPA of around 3.8. Having a GPA that falls around this range or higher would definitely make you a competitive candidate. Don't forget that they also look at the rigor of your coursework—taking challenging classes, such as AP or honors courses, will demonstrate your academic abilities and help your application.

Regarding standardized test scores, the University of Oregon was test-optional in the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It's a good idea to check their website for the most up-to-date information on this requirement for future admission cycles. If they do decide to require or accept test scores, aiming for an SAT score around the mid-50% range (1150-1340) or an ACT score of 22-30 will strengthen your application.

The University of Oregon will also look at other factors in your application, such as extracurricular involvement, and personal essays. Demonstrating leadership and dedication in your extracurricular activities can help to set you apart, as can a compelling and well-crafted personal statement.

Since the University of Oregon has a holistic admissions process, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. You'll want to showcase your strengths and passions through your application, making sure to highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and personal qualities. Good luck on the application journey!

13 days ago

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