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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding CEEB numbers

Hey guys, I've been seeing the term CEEB number mentioned during the college application process. Could someone explain what a CEEB number is and why it's important for college applications? Thanks in advance!

13 days ago

Hello! CEEB numbers, or College Entrance Examination Board numbers, are four- or six-digit codes assigned by the College Board to identify high schools and colleges. Each high school and college has its own unique code. They're particularly important during the college application process because they help keep track of essential information such as test scores, transcripts, and other application materials.

For example, when you take the SAT, your CEEB number ensures that your test scores are accurately associated with your high school. Furthermore, when you complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or CSS Profile (the College Board's financial aid application), your CEEB number is used to identify your high school and ensure the proper handling of your financial aid application.

When you fill out college applications, you might be asked to provide your high school's CEEB code, as well as any college codes for dual enrollment programs. Don't worry if you don't have this information off the top of your head; you can look up your high school's CEEB code through various online search tools, including the official College Board search. Additionally, your high school counselor usually has this information on hand, so you can ask them for assistance if needed.

In summary, the CEEB number serves to streamline and simplify the college application process by providing a unique numerical identifier for your high school and any colleges you may apply to, ensuring that all your important documents and materials arrive at the appropriate destination.

13 days ago

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