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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best Examples of Letters of Recommendation?

Hey guys! I want to help my teachers write the perfect letter of recommendation for my college applications. Can anyone share some examples so I know what to aim for? Thanks!

13 days ago

Hello! It's great that you're being proactive in helping your teachers create effective letters of recommendation. While I can't share specific examples due to privacy concerns, I can give you some general tips and characteristics that make for strong letters of recommendation.

1. Personal examples: Your teachers should share specific anecdotes that demonstrate your qualities, such as leadership, dedication, or intellectual curiosity. These examples should be unique to your experiences with the teacher inside or outside the classroom.

2. Growth and development: A strong letter will describe how you have grown and improved over time, showcasing your ability to learn and adapt. Teachers should mention challenges you've faced and how you've worked to overcome them, demonstrating your resilience and tenacity.

3. Intellectual curiosity and engagement: The letter should highlight your passion for learning and your intellectual engagement in the classroom. This could include adding thoughtful contributions to class discussions, pursuing independent research or projects, or engaging in relevant extracurricular activities.

4. Contributions to the classroom and school community: Showcasing your impact at school beyond just academics can create a well-rounded portrait of you as a candidate. This could mention your participation in clubs, sports, or school events where you've made a positive difference.

5. Professional insights: Teachers with strong subject-knowledge related to the field you plan to pursue in college can provide valuable insights into your potential. They may discuss your aptitude for specific coursework, related activities, or specific skills that make you well-suited for your intended major.

To assist your teachers in writing the letter, you can provide them with a "brag sheet" that outlines your accomplishments, interests, and aspirations. This can help them recall specific examples of your achievements and provide a more informed evaluation of your character and potential.

Remember that your teachers are likely writing multiple recommendation letters, so be sure to give them ample time to write a thorough and thoughtful letter. Good luck with your college applications!

13 days ago

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