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Top colleges for journalism?

Hey everyone! I'm a high school junior, and my dream is to study journalism in college. Can anyone recommend colleges that are known for their strong journalism programs? Thanks!

13 days ago

Hello! It's great that you're passionate about journalism and looking for schools with strong programs. Here are some top colleges with renowned journalism programs to consider:

1. Northwestern University (Medill School of Journalism): Medill is one of the most prestigious journalism schools and offers a variety of journalism-related majors, experiential learning opportunities, and connections to major media outlets.

2. University of Missouri (Missouri School of Journalism): Known as the world's first journalism school, Missouri offers a hands-on curriculum called "Missouri Method," which involves working in real-world media organizations.

3. Syracuse University (S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications): Newhouse boasts state-of-the-art facilities and offers a variety of journalism specializations, including broadcast, newspaper, and magazine journalism, as well as new media.

4. University of Southern California (USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism): USC Annenberg offers a strong journalism program with a focus on digital and multimedia storytelling. Students can also benefit from USC's location in Los Angeles, with access to various media opportunities.

5. Indiana University Bloomington (The Media School): Indiana University is known for its solid journalism program, offering both traditional and innovative multimedia courses, as well as opportunities to work for the school's news organizations.

6. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Hussman School of Journalism and Media): UNC offers a well-rounded journalism program with numerous scholarship opportunities and access to cutting-edge equipment and facilities.

7. New York University (Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute): NYU offers a range of journalism degrees and concentrations, with a focus on in-depth reporting and storytelling. Its New York City location also provides a wealth of internship and career opportunities.

Don't forget to consider factors like location, campus environment, and financial aid in addition to the strength of the journalism program. Good luck with your college search!

13 days ago

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