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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Rescheduling SAT Test: What's the Process?

Something came up and now I might have to reschedule my SAT test date. Can anyone share their experience with rescheduling? Is it easy or a huge headache? Thanks!

13 days ago

Rescheduling your SAT test date can be done without too much trouble, but there are a few steps and potential fees you'll need to be aware of. Here's a brief overview of the process:

1. Log in to your College Board account where you initially registered for the SAT.

2. Find the "Change Registration" option, which allows you to change your test date or test center.

3. Choose the new test date that works best for you. Keep in mind that rescheduling is subject to seat availability, so you might not always find your preferred testing center for the new date.

4. Pay the rescheduling fee, which is usually $30 (however, fee waivers might apply in certain situations).

That's about it! The process isn't too difficult, but there might be additional fees if you upgrade to the SAT with Essay or switch to a different test center. It's also important to note that rescheduling must be done at least five days before your original test date. If you'd like, you can consider cancelling your test registration (subject to a partial refund) and signing up for a new date instead.

In summary, rescheduling the SAT is relatively easy and can be done through your College Board account without major complications. Just be aware of the associated fees and deadlines to ensure a smooth rescheduling experience.

13 days ago

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