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SAT: 720 math
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Advice on choosing good examples of letters of recommendation?

I'm in the process of gathering my letters of recommendation, and I'm a little lost on what makes for a strong example. What should I look for in the letters or ask my recommenders to include to make them stand out to colleges?

13 days ago

When it comes to choosing the right people to write your letters of recommendation and advising them on what to include, there are a few factors to consider:

1. Choose teachers or mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths, character, and growth. Opt for those who have seen your contributions in class, extracurriculars, or community activities and can provide specific examples to back up their praises.

2. Pick recommenders from different subject areas, if possible, to provide colleges with a more well-rounded picture of your academic and personal accomplishments. For example, you might choose one teacher from a core subject like math or science and another from English or social studies.

3. Request recommendations from teachers or mentors who can describe how you've overcome challenges or improved on weaknesses. This will demonstrate your resilience, self-awareness, and capacity for growth.

When advising your recommenders on what to include, here are some guidelines:

1. Encourage them to provide specific examples that showcase your intellectual curiosity, creativity, and passion for learning. A recommendation that just mentions general qualities won't be as impactful as one that provides context and evidence.

2. Ask your recommenders to highlight qualities that may not be as evident in other parts of your application. For instance, if you're an exceptional leader in a club or community program, your recommender can discuss how you've effectively managed a team or project.

3. If you've faced any challenges or special circumstances that have contributed to your development, have your recommender explain how those experiences have shaped you as a person and a student.

4. Suggest your recommender discuss your collaboration skills and how you contribute positively to group activities or discussions. This can show colleges that you're an engaged learner and a good fit for their campus community.

5. Ask your recommenders to avoid any clichés or general statements that may apply to any student. Instead, encourage them to focus on what makes you unique, analyzing your specific skills, traits, and experiences.

Remember to give your recommenders plenty of time to write and submit their letters – at least a month before the deadline. Be sure to provide them with any necessary information about the colleges you're applying to, including forms, submission procedures, and the school's mission or values. Finally, don't forget to express your gratitude for their support and time.

13 days ago

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