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SAT: 720 math
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D3 Schools in California

Hey guys, I'm interested in possibly attending a D3 school in California. Can anyone recommend some schools that are worth checking out? I'm open to various locations and sizes. Thanks!

13 days ago

Definitely! California has several great Division III schools that you can consider. Here are a few worth checking out:

1. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): Known for its strong STEM programs, Caltech is a research-oriented institution located in Pasadena. It's a small school, with an undergraduate enrollment of around 950 students.

2. Chapman University: Located in Orange, this private university has a solid mix of programs in various fields, including liberal arts, business, and sciences. It has a medium-sized undergraduate population of around 7,000 students.

3. Claremont McKenna College: Part of the Claremont Colleges consortium, Claremont McKenna is a small liberal arts college (about 1,350 undergraduates) with a focus on economics, government, and international relations. It is located in Claremont, California.

4. University of La Verne: A private university located in La Verne, California, this school offers a wide range of majors and has a student population of around 4,000 undergraduates.

5. Occidental College: A private liberal arts college in Los Angeles, Occidental is known for its strong programs in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. With an undergraduate population of about 2,000 students, the campus boasts a close-knit community.

6. Pomona College: Another member of the Claremont Colleges consortium, Pomona is a prestigious liberal arts college with strong academics across various fields. It has a small undergraduate population of around 1,700 students.

7. Whittier College: A small, private, liberal arts college in Whittier, California, Whittier College offers a variety of academic programs and has a student body of around 1,700 undergraduates.

These are just a few examples, but there are additional D3 schools in California to explore. Visit the schools' websites, attend virtual information sessions, and take a campus tour (if possible) to get a better feel for the atmosphere at each school. Make sure to keep your academic interests, the campus culture, and any extracurricular activities you may want to pursue in mind while researching the schools. Good luck in your college search!

13 days ago

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