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Colleges that don't require letters of recommendation?

Hi everyone, I'm looking for colleges to apply to and I don't have any strong letters of recommendation. Are there any colleges that don't require them, so I won't be at a disadvantage? Thanks for your help!

13 days ago

Of course! There are several colleges that don't require letters of recommendation as part of their admissions process. However, keep in mind that each college has unique requirements, so it's essential to double-check each school's website or admissions office for up-to-date information. Here are a few examples of colleges that don't require recommendations:

1. Arizona State University (ASU)

2. California State University System (Cal State) - All 23 campuses, including popular ones like Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, and San Diego State University, do not require letters of recommendation.

3. Indiana University - Bloomington (IU)

4. University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

5. University of Nevada, Reno (UNR)

6. University of Washington, Tacoma (UW Tacoma)

These are just a few examples, and there are many more colleges that don't require letters of recommendation. Remember that each college's admission requirements may vary, and it's always a good idea to verify the information before submitting your application. Additionally, although some colleges might not require recommendation letters, you should still consider requesting one if a teacher, counselor, or mentor is willing to write a strong recommendation on your behalf. A solid recommendation could help strengthen your application, even if it isn't required.

13 days ago

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