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Top Undergrad Writing Programs?

Hey! I love writing and want to study it in college. Can anyone recommend schools with really strong undergraduate writing programs? Thanks so much!

13 days ago

Hello! It's awesome that you're passionate about writing and want to pursue it in college. There are many excellent universities and colleges offering strong undergraduate writing programs. Here are a few schools known for their writing programs:

1. Columbia University: Columbia's creative writing program is well-regarded, and the school has a diverse curriculum, with various workshops in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. The faculty is comprised of renowned writers.

2. New York University (NYU): The creative writing program at NYU offers a wide range of opportunities, such as workshops in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and more. Their faculty includes successful writers and the chance to study at their global academic centers.

3. University of Iowa: Known for its prestigious Iowa Writers' Workshop, this graduate program boasts a strong undergraduate writing program as well. The creative writing major at the University of Iowa covers various genres and includes highly-engaged faculty.

4. Kenyon College: A liberal arts college with a great writing program, Kenyon College offers talented undergraduates the opportunity to explore various genres. They host the annual Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop, providing further opportunities for young writers.

5. Emerson College: Emerson's creative writing program allows students to explore their interests through workshops and literature courses. The department also includes courses in publishing, making it a well-rounded program.

6. Brown University: Students can pursue writing at Brown with their Literary Arts Program, which offers workshops in various areas, including fiction, poetry, playwriting, and mixed media.

These are just a handful of the many fantastic undergraduate writing programs available across the United States. Remember, choosing the best program for you will depend on various factors, such as location, size, and campus culture. Make sure to research each institution to find the best fit for your needs and preferences. Good luck!

13 days ago

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