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SAT: 720 math
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Typical SAT scores for Cornell University?

Hey y'all! I'm aiming for Cornell University and I wanted to know what the typical SAT scores look like for students admitted there. Any insight into this would be really helpful!

13 days ago

Hello! I'm glad you're interested in Cornell University. To give you an idea of the typical SAT scores for admitted students, we can use the middle 50% score range from recent admissions data. The middle 50% range means that 25% of admitted students scored below this interval, and another 25% scored above it.

For Cornell University, the middle 50% SAT score range of admitted students is approximately 1480-1550, with a strong emphasis on Math scores. This range can help you gauge whether your SAT scores fall in the competitive range for admission to Cornell. However, remember that Cornell, like most selective colleges, uses a holistic admissions approach. This means that while your SAT scores are important, the university will also consider other factors such as GPA, course rigor, extracurricular involvement, and essays when evaluating your application.

If you're aiming for Cornell, it's a good idea to aim for at least the 25th percentile (1480) to be competitive, and ideally, you should aim to score in the higher range (1550) if possible. That said, even an SAT score at the lower end of or below this middle 50% range won't necessarily eliminate you from the admissions process—keep in mind the importance of your entire application profile.

Good luck with your college applications, and I hope this information helps!

13 days ago

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