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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any colleges out there that accept students with a 1.6 GPA?

Hey guys, I'm a junior and my GPA isn't looking too hot (1.6). Are there any colleges out there that would accept me with such a low GPA? I'm trying not to lose hope. Thanks.

13 days ago

Hey, I understand that your GPA isn't where you'd like it to be, but don't lose hope! While selective colleges might not be within reach, there are still options available to you.

Community colleges are a great place to start for students with lower GPAs. They typically have open admissions policies, meaning they accept most, if not all, applicants. By starting at a community college, you can get your general education requirements out of the way, strengthen your study habits, and improve your academic standing. Many community colleges also have transfer agreements with four-year colleges, so after completing your associate degree, you can transfer to continue pursuing a bachelor's degree, if that aligns with your goals.

Other colleges may also be an option, particularly those with less competitive admissions. Look into local public universities or regional campuses, especially those with higher acceptance rates and more flexible admissions criteria. In some cases, you might have an opportunity to write a personal essay or explain your circumstances during the application process, which could help with your chances.

In the meantime, try your best to improve your GPA during the rest of your junior year and senior year. If you have any extracurricular activities or talents that can show dedication, commitment, or leadership, definitely include those in your application. Those aspects, combined with strong recommendation letters from teachers or counselors, can help bolster your application.

Remember, everyone takes different paths in life. Keep working hard and exploring your options, and don't be discouraged by a low GPA. Good luck!

13 days ago

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