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Realistic cost of attendance at Rice University?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to estimate what attending Rice University might actually cost. I know there's the official tuition and fees information on their website, but I'm looking for more accurate numbers after financial aid and potential scholarships. Any current or past Rice students have any input?

13 days ago

Hey there! While I'm not a Rice student, I can offer some insight into estimating the cost of attendance. It's important to remember that every student's financial situation is unique, so the actual cost of attendance after aid and scholarships will vary.

To start, you should check out Rice University's Net Price Calculator, which can be found on their website. By entering your financial information, you'll receive an estimate of what your out-of-pocket cost to attend Rice may look like after financial aid. Keep in mind, however, that it's just an estimate and actual aid packages may differ.

In terms of scholarships, Rice University is known for its generous financial aid program, The Rice Investment, which offers grant-based financial aid to families with incomes up to $200,000. Under this program, families earning under $65,000 receive full tuition, fees, and room and board, while those earning $65,000 to $130,000 receive full tuition.

You should also look into other merit-based scholarships — both from Rice and external organizations — for which you may qualify. Some examples of Rice scholarships include the Trustee Distinguished Scholarship, the Barbara Jordan Scholarship, and the Rice Century Scholarship. External scholarships may be available based on factors such as your academic achievements, background, or extracurricular involvement, so a search for scholarship opportunities on websites like Cappex, Fastweb, and Scholarships.com can be helpful.

Lastly, don't forget to factor in other expenses such as textbooks, transportation, and personal essentials. Beyond tuition, fees, and housing, these "hidden" costs should also be taken into account to estimate a more accurate cost of attendance.

After considering all these factors, keep in mind that colleges sometimes adjust financial aid packages based on changes in your family's financial situation or updated scholarship offerings, so the cost of attendance could change from year to year. Nonetheless, using Rice's Net Price Calculator, researching scholarships, and accounting for additional expenses will provide a more realistic estimate of your cost of attendance at Rice University. Good luck!

13 days ago

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