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Best TOEFL Scores

As an international student, I need to take the TOEFL for college applications. What is considered a 'good' TOEFL score? What score should I be aiming for to be competitive for top-tier colleges?

13 days ago

A "good" TOEFL score can vary depending on the colleges you're applying to, so it's crucial to check the specific requirements of each school on your list. However, for top-tier colleges, you should ideally aim for a score that is at or above the 100 point mark out of the total 120 points on the TOEFL iBT (Internet-Based Test).

Breaking down the four sections of the TOEFL iBT (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing), a competitive score would be approximately:

- Reading: 25-30

- Listening: 25-30

- Speaking: 22-30

- Writing: 24-30

These scores are just a guideline, and many colleges have a minimum required score for each section. For example, some top colleges might require at least a 25 in each section, while others may have a more lenient policy.

However, the TOEFL score is only one component of your college application, and a high score alone is not enough to guarantee admission to top-tier colleges. Your academic performance, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters play vital roles in determining your chances of acceptance.

So, while aiming for a high TOEFL score is essential, it's also crucial to focus on strengthening other aspects of your application to demonstrate your potential as a student and your contribution to the college community.

To find the TOEFL requirements of specific colleges, visit their admissions websites or contact their admissions offices. It's always better to have the most updated information possible before setting personal goals or planning your test preparation strategy. Good luck!

13 days ago

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