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APES Test Review Advice?

Hi, I have the AP Environmental Science test coming up and I'm kinda stressed. Any general advice on how to review effectively in the weeks leading up to the test? Or are there any go-to review resources that you guys personally love? I'd really appreciate it!

13 days ago

Hey there! It's completely normal to feel stressed before an important test like the AP Environmental Science exam. Here are some tips to review effectively during these final weeks and some resources you can use:

1. Create a study schedule: Break down the topics you need to review and allocate time for each of them over the next few weeks. Having a schedule will help you manage your time effectively and avoid cramming. For a more detailed suggestion of how to create an effective study timeline for your AP exam(s), check out this blog post from CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-make-a-no-fail-study-timeline-for-spring-ap-exams/

2. Focus on your weaknesses: Identify the areas where you struggle the most and dedicate more time to reviewing those.

3. Utilize official resources: The College Board has a plethora of resources, including practice questions and past exams. Be sure to make use of these to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions you can expect on the actual test.

4. Form a study group: If you have friends taking APES as well, studying together can be beneficial in terms of sharing knowledge, asking questions, and staying motivated.

5. Review books: There are several review books available like the Barron's AP Environmental Science or 5 Steps to a 5 AP Environmental Science, which can help you consolidate knowledge and practice with more sample questions.

6. Online resources: Websites like Khan Academy and Bozeman Science offer free video lessons, while CollegeVine has a dedicated AP Resources section for students, which includes comprehensive breakdowns of many AP exams, including APES - you can find that one here: https://blog.collegevine.com/ultimate-guide-to-the-environmental-science-ap-exam/. These can all be helpful for reviewing material at your own pace.

7. Practice, practice, practice: The more you answer practice questions and take practice tests, the more comfortable you'll be with the format and content of the exam. Time yourself to get a sense of how long you should spend on each question and to improve your exam-taking skills.

8. Stay relaxed and confident: Finally, remember to take breaks and relax. Trust that your preparation will pay off, and go into the exam with a positive mindset.

Best of luck with your study sessions and the upcoming APES exam! You've got this!

13 days ago

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