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SMU cost of attendance breakdown?

Hey there, I'm looking into Southern Methodist University as one of my options, but I want to know how much it's actually going to cost me. Does anyone have any info on the cost of attendance, including financial aid or scholarships?

13 days ago

Hi! Southern Methodist University (SMU) is a great choice, and understanding the cost breakdown is essential for planning purposes. For the 2022-2023 academic year, here's a general breakdown of SMU's cost of attendance:

1. Tuition and Fees: $67,038

2. Room and Board: Approximately $19,064

3. Books and Supplies: Approximately $876

4. Personal Expenses: Approximately $1,600

5. Transportation: Approximately $1,098

This brings the total estimated cost of attendance to around $89,676 per year before financial aid or scholarships. Keep in mind that these figures are approximate and subject to change.

Financial aid at SMU is available in the form of need-based aid, merit-based scholarships, and a combination of both. To be considered for need-based aid, you'll need to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the CSS Profile. The SMU Opportunity Award is an example of need-based aid.

SMU also offers several merit-based scholarships, like the President's Scholarship, covers full tuition and fees for eight semesters. To be considered for scholarships like this, you'll need to submit the SMU Presidential Scholarship applications.

Keep in mind that financial aid packages and scholarship opportunities will vary based on individual circumstances, so be sure to use the SMU Net Price Calculator to estimate your own cost of attendance after aid and to explore additional options specific to your academic interests or background.

13 days ago

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